Friday, October 26, 2007

This is Southern Justice

The state of Georgia sent a teenager to the strictest, cruel jail for over a decade because he and his girlfriend had ORAL SEX in the back seat of a car--something any healthy teen with a pretty girl, a libido and a place to snuggle would do.

Oh yeah, sure he was black, and we remember not that long ago a man was lynched for looking too long at a white girl. This is the kind of people who are even today misjudging others.

I don't know what these judges and jurors have in their twisted minds, but I wonder of any of them might ask if somehow their heinous acts may have some connection with their water drying up.

This has got to be Karma catching up with them.


Anonymous said...

Daily Overview for December 06, 2007
Provided by Daily Extended Forecast

Your vision has been partly cloudy lately, but today it will finally clear up a bit.

Your intensity is legendary and while your immediate family is used to it, the people you work with might still be getting used to it. The good news is that you should easily get your way today!

Anonymous said...

Where do you find these dangerously accurate predictions?
