Wednesday, August 01, 2007

Wall Street Journal: R.I.P.

It hurts to see one more paper with the quality and integrity of the Journal go by the wayside, falling into the hands of what will certainly be a bias toward the sensational right.

There is nothing new about those who want to hold on to power doing so by controlling what the public is allowed to know, and the less independent papers left standing means the public knows only what the media barons want us to know.

Just count the number of independent papers in the world today, compared to fifty years ago when there were ten times more. They were bought up, consolidated, and given one voice which you and I are supposed to believe.

It's crap.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I haven't researched this but a talk show host on Progressive Radio said that all of our media is controlled by five corporations.
Now there's a scarey thought.
