Saturday, September 15, 2007

The 5,000 Year Old Man

The 5,000 year old man was murdered by a jealous man. The proof is his skull was smashed, there was an arrow head in his shoulder, and yet none of his valuables such as his copper knife, flint and quiver of perfectly formed arrows were stolen. Now I ask you, who in those days would do that unless the killer had a motive other than robbery?

I hope now his ghost can rest knowing the dastardly crime was exposed, even though it took fifty centuries.

I'm sure the ghost will haunt the nerds who gave him the stupid name of "Otzi". Oh yes, and then there's the curse of the mummy. Well, not really a mummy, but a deep frozen body.

So far, seven people connected with Otzi's body have died, some from mysterious causes, and a few more from accidents. Only one had a pre-existing condition: ALS.

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